Geoquest Verlag
Glück Auf! Kletterführer Erzgebirge

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Geoquest Verlag


<p>The best-known destinations in the Ore Mountains are probably the 6 climbing peaks of the Greifensteine, the rock group around the striking Teufelsstein near Johanngeorgenstadt and the up to 60-metre-high rocks in the Katzenstein area.</p><p><span style="line-height: 1.42857;">In their shadow, numerous other climbing opportunities have been developed in recent decades that promise fun in all grades with improved protection, such as the Wolkenstein area, just 30 minutes from Chemnitz.</span></p><p><span style="line-height: 1.42857;">This book also allows Dresdeners to explore a sport climbing area that has always been overshadowed by the Elbe Sandstone Mountains. The Müglitz Valley above and below the watchmaking town of Glashütte is also only half an hour's drive away and has 46 climbing crags and well over 500 routes in all grades.</span></p><p><span style="line-height: 1.42857;">If it is chilly or there is a threat of precipitation, the areas in the foothills of the Ore Mountains are an excellent choice. Along the Zwickauer and Freiberger Mulde as well as the Zschopau and Bobritzsch rivers, we find many sunny walls that dry out in a flash after rain and usually only have minimal approaches. Anyone humping a climbing rucksack and pushing a baby carriage will really appreciate this. The crags of the traditional Freiberg area and the increasingly developing Mittweida area are excellent examples of this.</span></p><p><span style="line-height: 1.42857;">The Kriebethal walls are not stroller-compatible, but you can enjoy up to 30-metre-long, sometimes slightly more difficult routes here. The upstream Zschopauwand near Frankenberg, on the other hand, offers everything: one minute of level access, easy and difficult routes, shade at the entrance and sun at the exit.</span></p><p><span style="line-height: 1.42857;">The Muldewand near Rochsburg is perfect for pleasure climbers and the quarries on the Rochlitzer Berg offer something very special: clean cracks of various widths in an unusual porphyry tuff with excellent friction.</span></p><p><span style="line-height: 1.42857; font-weight: bold;">Ingo Röger, Sebastian Flemmig, Gerald Krug | Geoquest Verlag | 464 pages | full color, 55 detailed maps, access and approach descriptions, GPS data, photo topos with colored route lines according to difficulty, English translation of the most important information | book</span></p>
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