PanicoBest of keepwild! Climbs
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Panico Alpinverlag
CH - Switzerland
Christoph Blum, Daniel Silbernagel
<p>Belaying with nuts and cams, climbing routes where each individual is responsible for what he or she does, and getting off the wall at the end without leaving any traces, that is the challenge for future generations of climbers.</p><p>Clean climbing is the fairest and most honest way to move in the vertical. The climbing guide Best of keepwild! wants to draw attention to this topic, arouse interest in it and provide guidance with selected routes. Plaisir has its place in the Alpine arc, keepwild! and with it, a piece of wilderness is to preserve it.</p><p><br></p><p>The routes, described in detail and with an insightful approach, are found in the primaeval rock climbing regions of Switzerland. In commonly frequented regions such as the Furka Pass, the Susten Pass or Bergell, yet also in remote and truly alpine regions such as the Bietsch Valley or the Fiesch Valley. A wealth of four-colour illustrations and inserts with background information complete its contents and make the book a very exceptional climbing guide.</p><p>Routes:</p><p><ul><li>Col des Montets (Aiguille de Praz - Torrent).</li><li>Arolla (Mont Collon, Pointe de Tsalion, Dent de Tsalion, Aiguilles Rouges d'Arolla)</li><li>Andolla (Pizzo d`Andolla P., Pizzo di Loranco)</li><li>Bietschtal (Jegihorn, Grosshorn)</li><li>Baltschiedertal (Stockhorn west summit, Stockhorn, Südgratturm)</li><li>Fusshorns (Fusshorn XII, Fusshorn XI, Fusshorn X, Fusshorn VII)</li><li>Fieschertal (Klein Wannenhorn, Nördlicher Wannenzwilling, Südlicher Wannenzwilling)</li><li>Grindelwald (Scheideggwetterhorn)</li><li>Gruebenkessel (Ritzlihorn Vorgipfel, Hiendertelltihorn, Grosser Diamantstock, Chlyne Diamantstock, P.2623 (Uf Beesten))</li><li>Grimsel Pass (Alplistock, Hohhoren)</li><li>Rear Gelmerhorns</li><li>Furka (Gross Beilenhorn, Chili Beilenhorn)</li><li>Susten - Meiental (Fünffiingerstöck, Undertalstock W - summit, Undertalstock E - summit, Chüefadstock, Leid Stock)</li><li>Val Bedretto (Poncione Cassina Baggio, Poncione di Manio, Forcella, Pizzo Nero, Pizzo Pesciora)</li><li>Geretal (Geretal pillar)</li><li>Calnegia - Antabia (Pizzo d`Orsalia, Pizzo Sologna, Pizzo Piensgia)</li><li>Upper Valle di Pecia (Cavallo del Toro)</li><li>Peccia (Pizzo Malora, Rosso, Pizzo Fiorasca)</li><li>Giumaglio - Val d`Osurta (Sasso Bello, Pizzo delle Pecore, Rasiva)</li><li>Lower Maggia Valley (Madom da Sgióf)</li><li>Val di Lodrino (Poncione Rosso, Precastello, Poncione del Venn, Poncione di Piotta)</li><li>Bergell ( Pizzo Badile, Ago di Sciora, Torrione del Ferro, Pizzo di Zocca Tor.Est, Punta Allievi)</li><li>Jura (Rocher du Droit)</li></ul></p><p><span style="font-weight: bold;">Christoph Blum, Daniel Silbernagel | Panico Alpinverlag | 2nd edition 2013 | 368 pages | Format 12.0 x 18.5 cm | Language: German</span></p>
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