Tourentipp Verlag
Skitouren mit Kindern

Suitable for
Suitable for
  • Women
  • Men
Topic of interest
Bernhard Ziegler
local region
  • Bavarian Alps/ Allgau
  • Tyrol
Tourentipp Verlag
  • DE - Germany
  • AT - Austria
Tourentipp Verlag


<p>Children's ski tours are much more than just short pleasure ski tours. In order for the whole family to have fun, the routes should meet certain criteria - they should be suitable for children! Bernhard Ziegler has spent the last few years ski touring with his children (and other families) and has gathered route suggestions and plenty of experience. In addition to 25 tour suggestions made from Bavaria and the neighboring Tyrol (with plenty of pictures), this book also contains tips on motivation, planning, equipment, tactics, safety and the playful execution of a ski tour. And because children's words are often better, the author's two children, Selina and Linus, have also commented on the route descriptions. </p> <p>Ski touring is booming. But it's not just the number of mountain enthusiasts ski touring that has changed, it's also a new, younger generation who prefer to make their own tracks and turns in the powder snow away from the pistes. This younger generation also appreciates being out and about with the whole family from time to time, and so you meet more and more ski touring kids in the mountains. And this is despite the fact that ski touring with children is definitely a "challenge". The question of equipment alone is far more difficult than with adults. Children's ski tours require a different kind of planning and execution, and you have to set different priorities here than on an adult ski tour. What are the decisive route criteria for a children's ski tour? What does "suitable for children" mean in this context? The book answers all these questions and provides tips. Of course, you will also find suggestions on how to incorporate games or playful elements into a route. The suggested routes really are routes that meet the criteria for an activity with children. The author tried out the ski tours himself with his two children and experienced so many wonderful things that he wanted to pass this happiness on to others - and that's how the book "Ski tours with children" came about.
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